Baron Von Drinkenstein, Anita Glass, Chuggs McKenzie & Al Havanother are 4 New Yorkers in search of the best outdoor bars that Gotham has to offer.


Hudson Hotel
356 West 58th Street

Private Park Website

THE BARON'S BABBLE: Listen, dear readers, and the Baron shall confide in you... you shall hear a terrifying tale of his greatest defeat. Some nobility are the type to laze and lounge about their ancestral redoubts, but not the Baron. No, The Von Drinkensteins are men of action! So, on a recent sunny afternoon, the other Counts and Countesses of BWAV were otherwise occupied, and the Baron set out all alone for the treacherous journey to Columbus Circle in hopes of basking in the sun of the Hudson's terrace. Sure, two martinis would cost close to forty dollars, but the door fee at a strip club is $30, and the waitresses are wearing less at the Hudson. Plus, the Baron is known to enjoy ginormous garden tools designed by Phillipe Starck.

Alas, the Hudson was more like Waterloo!
The doors to the terrace were all very locked, and where expense accounts once ran rampant, an army of masons scurried about a terrace-under-construction with the ferocity of manservants in the Baron's Hamburg Castle. Zis' is not the time or place for Hamburg Helpers. (Zey do not even have ze immigration papers!) Zis is the place for ze models and ze martinis!

Seriously, the Hudson was created by Ian Schrager, a man who cared about accommodating his guests so much that he pumped drugs through the air conditioning system at Studio 54... Now, he's gone and they can't even open a terrace in time for spring? Weak!

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